Nonprofit Development

South DeKalb Print Shop Mission: To provide quality services, with rapid turnaround time, friendly customer service at an affordable price while operating in a spirit of excellence.

Want to change the world?
Do you have a social cause you want to pursue?
Let us set up your nonprofit organization and get you 501(c)3 tax exempt status so you can go after funding and sponsorship. We can even assist with writing Sponsorship Packets, Grantwriting and Proposal Development.

Call 404-454-5469 and let us help you get a formal structure into place to assist you with pursuing a cause that you're passionate about. It's about helping you bring your idea to life in a formal and legal way.

You just can't beat the moja experience.

It's not just about doing business, it's about building relationships.

We bring the magic to your logo.
Logo Design
We design & print your cards.
Business Cards
Let us put it on a magnet for you.
Vehicle Magnets
We've been designing sites since '95.
Website Design
Need a flyer to promote business?
Flyer Design
Bring the group and we'll train 'em.
Organization Development

Location: The Exchange at Decatur Office Park

Providing excellence in service, design and delivery.


Send us your email directly:


P: 404-454-5469
F: 404-759-2982


3009 Rainbow Drive, Suite B
Decatur, Georgia 30034
[Outside Entrance]